Individual Art Lessons
Art Lessons in Oil Painting or Drawing
Marie is currently teaching private oil painting lessons with emphasis on improving your drawing and compositional skills. She will meet you at your level and help you to improve greatly to the next level. Classes are 2hr sessions.
I have taken a pastel and a portrait drawing class with Marie and have learned so much. But taking a couple of Private Lessons with her has helped to enhance my skills and confidence! She is an amazing artist and teacher and has shown me some techniques I've never seen before. She is so genuine and patient and knew when I needed help and what to do. She had me journal at home and bring questions to her when we would meet. I've never known an art teacher like her! I feel so blessed to having been lead to her. And so grateful for her encouragement, her honest critiques, and how she shares her joy and passion for art. -Dana K. I have taken both painting and drawing classes from Marie over the past year. Also with Individual Lessons, I have made significant improvements in a short time period due to her instructional approach. Marie presents the concepts and techniques in an incremental and organized manner that results in the transfer and application of the learning in real time. The class sessions are more conducive to learning and retention than an all day or multiday workshop where so many concepts and techniques are presented in a concentrated timeframe. Marie provides individuals with honest and helpful insight that is easy to understand and is always patient and supportive as the student hones their skills. Marie seems to intuitively know where and when a student is struggling and how best to help them address their concerns even when they can't put it into words. -Bonnie S. |
Please Contact Marie to register or if you have questions.